Friday, April 4, 2008

When it comes to Disney Characters. . .

If I were a Disney character, I would either be Peter Pan or Aladdin. I am adventurous, spontaneous, and slightly rebellious, so I could be either. And whether it's pixie dust or a magic carpet, I sure would love to fly! I would be an unlikely hero, but a hero nonetheless. The only problem is I'm not such a fan of Wendy or Jasmine, I'd have to end up with a girl more like Mulan! She's cool.


Hubble said...

I think that's cool that you picked a character that can fly. I sure couldn't do it. I'm afraid of heights and there is no way that I would ever do that.

Ashley S said...

I don't blame you for the wendy or jasmine decision... a girl who wears nightgowns constantly or a girl who could whip out a belly dancing number at any given moment. Either way, its a precarious situation!

Kyle said...

A flying carpet would be awesome! Maybe someday we will fly around.

I think therefore I am said...

I don't know Jasmine is pretty hot. I was wondering could you take this analysis any deeper especially with Aladin. I feel like disney does a better job of charecterizing him then they do peter pan. I don't know what you want to do, but it might be fun to go deeper.