Friday, February 8, 2008

Politics & Mike Huckabee...

I think Mike Huckabee is a spiteful man.

Consider the following: baptist minister with very few credentials beyond a claim to be a "true conservative" and no chance of the nomination runs against a well-qualified Mormon candidate. I don't know how many of you have lived in the South, or anywhere on the east coast, but there is a certain animosity many baptists have for us. If you are a Baptist and you are reading this, please don't get too worked up about that observation, I won't judge you. It just seems likely that Huckabee wanted nothing more than to keep Romney out of office... A sad tactic, because said "true conservative" has now almost entirely guaranteed that the more moderate McCain will get the nomination, or even the presidency. That's not cool. I hope Huckabee feels good about the millions he spent just for the sake of being a stumbling block. (That's me being somewhat spiteful as well, I suppose.)

Without going into details, as this is not a political blog, I supported Romney as long as he was in the running. Now I plan to support McCain, but that was a difficult decision for me. It looks like the challenge of November's election will be answering this question: vote for McCain, or move to Canada?


Kyle said...

I really hate to say it, but I there is a very slim chance that McCain will beat out the democratic candidate. I'm not saying that I'm for one of the other, I just don't think that McCain has much of a chance.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I am just as spiteful as you are but I have to agree it seems very pointless to waste all the money just to keep Romney out of office.

Adam said...

Move to Canada!! I'm planning on being on a mission then so I don't really worry about politics much, though actually I never really paid attention to politics anyway. I also liked Romney.

Sara said...

Oh, Huckabee. I want to dislike you but your name makes me giggle every time I see or hear it...which is probably a good indication of your politics.

Be sure to brush up on your French verbs before moving to Canada; I hear the Quebecians are pretty strict.

TJN said...

Sara - Oh yeah, I might have to learn French... That kinda nixes that idea!

The hungry stick - If McCain gets in, it will only be because the public gets scared of Hillary's plastic grin + witch cackle, or if they realize that Obama wants to remove the troops prematurely from Iraq. I have heard him "set a date" before for a total troop withdrawal, and that's a scary concept - is he a prophet???

Despite McCain's bumbling, stern, old-man nature, I think this race is way too close to call. McCain is somewhat moderate and could get a decent swing vote from the left, but I do think Romney would have had a better chance.