I want a Delorean. There are kinda cool cars, and then there's the Delorean. You know, the Back-to-the-Future car? They are made of stainless steel, so they will basically last forever, unless you get in a wreck. Yes, unpainted, brushed stainless steel. They have gull-wing doors that open up from the

sides, instead of out like a normal car. They were made in the early 80s, maybe a few in the very late 70s. Anyw

ay, I just realized that I really want one. Does

anyone want to trade their Delorean, preferrably with low miles, for my 1989 Nissan Sentra? My car is red, that'll win you some prestige points! Note: the two vertical pics are my car, the others two are Deloreans, if you can't tell.
So what exactly does this car look like? I think you should SO post a picture, dude.
OK, I found some pics.
It looks like a pretty sweet car. But about the whole door opening upwards thing...wouldn't it be hard to park b/c you might hit the cars next to you??
And thanks for getting pictures!
Maybe occasionally... Actually, if you look closely, the doors are hinged close to the center of the roof, so they open more up than out. I think you could get out in any situation that you could get out of a normal car door, but I'd definitely check first. Or practice my parallel parking skills! ;)
Deloreans are pretty sweet. Everyone probably wanted one after Back to the future.
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